Dziś NCN obwieścił wyniki konkursu Opus 24. Wsród laureatów jest Zuzia Rosin z naszego Zespołu
New paper by Jakub Kosicki "The impact of artificial light at night on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic bird species communities in a large geographical range: A modelling approach" is now available in Ecological Research
Prezydent RP postanowieniem z dnia 23.01.2023 r. nadał Jakubowi Kosickiemu tytuł naukowy profesora
Obrona rozprawy doktorskiej mgr. Pawła Podkowy.
New paper by Jakub Kosicki "The impact of artificial light at night on taxonomic, functional and phylogenetic bird species communities in a large geographical range: A modelling approach" is now available in Science of the Total of Environment
New paper by Jakub Kosicki "Mitochondrial alternative oxidase contributes to successful tardigrade anhydrobiosis" is now available in Frontiers in Zoology
New paper by Zbigniew Kwieciński and Jakub Kosicki: "The distribution of the parasitic mite Bubophilus aegolius sp. n. (Acariformes: Syringophilidae) on the Boreal Owl Aegolius funereus (L) (Strigiformes: Strigidae) shows low effectiveness of the infestation" is now available in European Zoological Journal.
Paweł Podkowa, doktorant w naszym Zakładzie otrzymał grant NCN PRELUDIUM 19
New paper by Jakub Kosicki: "Dependence of the leopard Panthera pardus fusca in Jaipur, India, on domestic animals" is now available in Oryx Journal.
W dniu dzisiejszym Rektor UAM, prof. dr hab. Bogumiła Kaniewska powołała Jakuba Kosickiego na prodziekana Wydziału biologii.
New paper by Piotr Zduniak is now available in the Journal of Ornithology J Ornithol.
W najnowszym numerze Życia Uniwersyteckiego opisano interdyscyplinarne badania nad wpływem pola geomagnetycznego na organizmy, w których bierze udział m.in. Jakub Kosicki.
Jakub Kosicki paper: "Generalised Additive Models and Random Forest Approach as effective methods for predictive species density and functional species richness" is now available in the Environmental and Ecological Statistics.
Jakub Kosicki paper: "Sibling competition affects body condition and allostatic load in the colonial nesting lesser kestrel Falco naumanni" is now available in the Journal of Vertebrate Biology
New paper by Ziemowit Kosiński is now available in the Journal of Ornithology J Ornithol.
Badania Jakuba Kosickiego zostały opisane na portalu Nauka w Polsce i Uniwersyteckie.pl.
Yosef R., Michal R., Ben-Baruch N., Shmueli L., Kosicki J.Z., Fratczak M., Tryjanowski P. 2019. Directional preferences of dogs’ changes in the presence of a bar magnet: educational experiments in Israel. Journal of Veterinary Behavior (in press).
27. 12. 2019
New paper by Jakub Kosicki is now available in the Journal of Tropical Ecology J Trop Ecol.
New paper by Adrian Surmacki Team was published in Journal of Avian Biology JAB.
New paper by Jakub Kosicki was published in Ecological Complexity Journal Ecol Complex.
On 5st October 2019, new home page of Department of Avian Biology and Ecology has been launched!