Piotr Zduniak
Main Interests
- bird biology and ecology
- anthropogenic materials in bird nests
- ecology of black and red kites
- breeding ecology of the hooded crow
- 2019: Associate professor, Department of Avian Biology & Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- 2014: Habilitation in ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, title: Crossing geographical barriers - ecology of bird migration at the edge of a desert
- 2012: Scholarship for young outstanding scientists, Ministry of Science and Higher Education RP
- 2009: Individual scientific award of Rector of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań for scientific achievements
- 2007: Scholarship for young scientists START program, the Foundation for Polish Science
- 2006 - 2019: Assistant professor, Department of Avian Biology & Ecology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
- 2006: PhD in Biology – Zoology: thesis title: Breeding ecology and food of the Hooded Crow Corvus cornix in variable hydrological conditions of the Warta Mouth National Park.
- 2006: Scholarship for young scientists START program, the Foundation for Polish Science
- 2002: MSc in biology, thesis title: Breeding biology and ecology of the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix in Słońsk Reserve
- Yosef R., Hershko M., Zduniak P. 2021. Anti Covid-19 face-masks increases vigilance in Nubian ibex (Capra nubiana). Biological Conservation; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109339
- Zduniak P., Bocheński M., Maciorowski G. 2021. How littered are birds’ of prey nests? Study of two sympatric species. Science of the Total Environment 790: 148079; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.148079
- Maciorowski G., Zduniak P., Bocheński M., Urbańska M., Król P., Polakowski M. 2021. Breeding habitats and long‑term population numbers of two sympatric raptors—Red Kite Milvus milvus and Black Kite M. migrans— in the mosaic‑like landscape of western Poland. Journal of Ornithology 162: 125–134; https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-020-01811-7
- Łangowska A., Zduniak P. 2020. No direct contact needed for drones to shorten workers lifespan in honey bee. Journal of Apicultural Research 59: 88-94; https://doi.org/10.1080/00218839.2019.1644939
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Poliakov Y., Fingerman A. 2019. Behavioural and reproductive flexibility of an invasive bird in an arid zone: A case of the Indian House Crow (Corvus splendens). Journal of Arid Environments 168: 56-58; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2019.05.011
- Maciorowski G., Kosicki J.Z., Polakowski M., Urbańska M., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P. 2019. Autumn migration of immature Red Kites Milvus milvus from the central European population. Acta Ornithologica 54: 45-50
- Yosef R., Polyakov E., Harush N.B. Zduniak P. 2018. Effects of recreational activity on Acorn Barnacle (Tetraclita squamosa rufotincta) in the Red Sea. European Journal of Ecology 4: 131-133
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Iezekiel S., Bakaloudis D.E., Papakosta M.A., Vlachos Ch.G., Antoniou A., 2018. The endemic Cyprus Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) adapts readily to artificial nests: response to Peter Flint. Biological Conservation 219: 19
- Tryjanowski P., Møller A.P., Morelli F., Indykiewicz P., Zduniak P., Myczko Ł. 2018. Food preferences by birds using bird‑feeders in winter: a large‑scale experiment. Avian Research 9: 16
- Zduniak P. 2018. Rozdziały: Sójka, Kawka, Kruk, Czarnowron, Wrona w: Czechowski P. i in., Lubuski Atlas Ornitologiczny, Oficyna Wydawnicza Uniwersytetu Zielonogórskiego
- Hanć A., Zduniak P., Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Sajnóg A., Barałkiewicz D. 2017. Laser ablation-ICP-MS in search of element pattern in feathers. Microchemical Journal 134: 1-8
- Pande S., Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2017. Nest occupancy and reproductive success of a subspecies of the Peregrine Falcon, the Black Shaheen (Falco peregrinus peregrinator) in Western India. Journal of Raptor Research 51: 470-475
- Zduniak, P., Erciyas-Yavuz, K., Tryjanowski, P. 2017. A possible mutualistic interaction between vertebrates: Frogs use water buffaloes as a foraging place. Acta Herpetologica 12: 113-116
- Walczak U., Baraniak E., Zduniak P. 2017. Survival, body mass and potential fecundity of the invasive moth Cameraria Ohridella (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) on its orginal host plant Aesculus hippocastanum and Aesculus glabra. European Journal of Entomology 114: 295-300
- Iezekiel S., Yosef R., Bakaloudis D.E., Papakosta M.A., Vlachos Ch.G., Antoniou A., Zduniak P. 2017. The endemic Cyprus Wheatear (Oenanthe cypriaca) adapts readily to artificial nest sites. Biological Conservation 213: 1-4
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Żmihorski M. 2016. Invasive ring-necked parakeet negatively affects indigenous Eurasian hoopoe. Annales Zoologici Fennici 53: 281–287
- Gołdyn B., Książkiewicz-Parulska Z., Zduniak P. 2016. Freshwater molluscs in diet of Hooded crow Corvus cornix. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128: 459-462
- Tryjanowski P., Møller A.P., Morelli F., Biaduń W., Brauze T., Ciach M., Czechowski P., Czyż S., Dulisz B., Goławski A., Hetmański T., Indykiewicz P., Mitrus C., Myczko Ł., Nowakowski J.J., Polakowski M., Takacs V., Wysocki D., Zduniak P. 2016. Urbanization affects neophilia and risk-taking at bird-feeders. Scientific Reports 6, 28575
- Kosicki J.Z., Zduniak P., Ostrowska M., Hromada M. 2016. Are predators negative or positive predictors of farmland bird species community on a large geographical scale? Ecological Indicators 62: 259-270
- Zduniak P., Kosicki J.Z., Yosef R. 2016. Sexual aggression by intruders in Hooded Crow Corvus cornix. Acta Ethologica 19: 91-94
- Zduniak P., Yosef R., Bensusan K.J., Perez Ch.E., Tryjanowski P. 2015. Biometry and phenology of two sibling Phylloscopus Warblers on their circum-Mediterranean migrations. ZooKeys 530: 113-127
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2015. Palestine Saw-scaled Vipers hunt disadvantaged avian migrants. Behavioural Processes 120: 50-53
- Tryjanowski P, Morelli F., Skórka P., Goławski A., Indykiewicz P., Møller A., Mitrus C., Wysocki D., Zduniak P. 2015. Who started first? Bird species visiting novel bird feeders. Scientific Reports 5, 11858
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2015. Salinity affects territory size of migratory Little Stint (Calidris minuta) (Aves: Limicolae). Zoology in the Middle East 61: 220-225
- Tryjanowski P., Skórka P., Sparks T.H., Biaduń W, Brauze T., Hetmański T, Martyka R., Indykiewicz P., Myczko Ł, Kunysz P., Kawa P., Czyż S., Czechowski P., Polakowski M, Zduniak P., Jerzak L., Janiszewski T., Goławski A., Duduś L., Nowakowski J. J., Wuczyński A., Wysocki D. 2015. Winter bird assemblages in rural and urban environments: a national survey. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0130299
- Tryjanowski P., Skórka P., Sparks T.H., Biaduń W, Brauze T., Hetmański T, Martyka R., Indykiewicz P., Myczko Ł, Kunysz P., Kawa P., Czyż S., Czechowski P., Polakowski M, Zduniak P., Jerzak L., Janiszewski T., Goławski A., Duduś L., Nowakowski J. J., Wuczyński A., Wysocki D. 2015. Urban and rural habitats differ in number and type of bird feeders and in bird species consuming supplementary food. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 22:15097-15103
- Erciyas-Yavuz K., Zduniak P., Baris S. 2015. Spring and autumn migration of the red-breasted flycatcher through the Kizilirmak delta, Turkey. Current Zoology 61: 412-420.
- Zduniak P., Surmacki A, Erciyas-Yavuz K., Chudzińska M., Barałkiewicz D. 2014. Are there different requirements for trace elements in eumelanin- and pheomelanin-based color production? A case study of two passerine species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part A Molecular & Integrative Physiology 175: 96-101
- Bensusan K. J., Nesbit R., Perez C. E., Tryjanowski P., Zduniak P. 2014. Species composition and dynamics in abundance of migrant and sedentary butterflies (Lepidoptera) at Gibraltar during the spring period. European Journal of Entomology 111: 555-559
- Kosicki J. Z, Chylarecki P., Zduniak P. 2014. Factors affecting Common Quails Coturnix coturnix occurence in farmland of Poland: Is agriculture intensity important ? Ecological Research 29: 21-32
- Myczko Ł., Dylewski Ł., Zduniak P., Sparks T. H., Tryjanowski P. 2014. Predation and dispersal of acorns by European Jay (Garrulus glandarius) differs between a native (Pedunculate Oak Quercus robur) and an introduced oak species (Northern Red Oak Quercus rubra) in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 331: 35-39
- Zduniak P., Czechowski P. 2013. Carrion Crow Corvus corone breeding in Lubuskie Province, W Poland. International Studies on Sparrows 37: 25-27
- Zduniak P., Yosef R., Meyrom K. 2013. Differences in passerine migration between south and north Israel. Journal of Arid Environments 90: 22-28
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P. 2012. Unmasking Zorro: functional importance of the facial mask in the Masked Shrike (Lanius nubicus). Behavioral Ecology 23: 615-618
- Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2012. Crossing the desert barrier: migration ecology of the Lesser Whitethroat (Sylvia curruca) at Eilat, Israel. Journal of Arid Environments 77: 32-38
- Yosef R., Ramirez J.R., Zduniak P. 2012. Habitat choice of Saw-scaled Viper (Echis coloratus). Journal of Herpetology 46: 671-674
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2011. Migration and staging patterns of the wryneck (Jynx torquilla) at Eilat, Israel. Israel Journal of Ecology & Evolution 57: 247-256
- Zduniak P., Czechowski P., Jędro G. 2011. The effect of nesting habitat on reproductive output of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). A comparative study of populations from atypical and typical nesting habitats in western Poland. Belgian Journal of Zoology 141: 38-43
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2011. Drinking schedule of four sandgrouse species (Pterocles spp.) in relation to sunrise and season. Acta Ethologica 14: 35-41
- Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2011. Migration and staging patterns of the Red-throated (Anthus cervinus) and Tree Pipits (Anthus trivialis) at the migratory bottleneck of Eilat, Israel. Ornis Fennica 88: 129-137
- Yosef R., Gołdyn B., Zduniak P. 2011. Predation of migratory Little Stint (Calidris minuta) by Barbary Falcon (Falco pelegrinoides) is dependent on body mass and duration of stopover time. Journal of Ethology 29: 257-261
- Zduniak P. 2010. Water conditions influence nestling survival in a Hooded Crow Corvus cornix wetland population. Journal of Ornithology 151: 45-50
- Zduniak P., Yosef R., Sparks T.H., Smit H., Tryjanowski P. 2010. Rapid advances in the timing of the spring passage migration through Israel of the steppe eagle Aquila nipalensis. Climate Research 42: 217-222
- Zduniak P., Yosef R, Tryjanowski P. 2009. Effect of flooding on Palearctic migrant birds at the Eilat stopover site in Israel. Ekologia Bratislava 28: 291-299
- Flux J.E.C., Bull P.C., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P. 2009. Lack of synchrony between two New Zealand starling (Sturnus vulgaris) breeding populations: evidence of the lack of regional effect of the ENSO? Polish Journal of Ecology 57: 363-369
- Takacs V., Zduniak P., Panek M., Tryjanowski P. 2009. Does handling reduce the winter body mass of the European hare? Central European Journal of Biology 4: 427-433
- Pinowski J., Pinowska B., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P., Jerzak L., Romanowski J. 2009. The autumnal sexual display in Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus L.) as a component of the winter survival strategy. Polish Journal of Ecology 57: 159-169
- Zduniak P. 2009. Reproductive success of the Hooded Crow Corvus cornix population in relation to variable hydrological conditions in a flooded river valley (W Poland). Ardeola 56: 13-24
- Majewska A. C., Graczyk T. K., Słodkowicz-Kowalska A., Tamang L., Jedrzejewski S., Zduniak P., Solarczyk P., Nowosad A., Nowosad P. 2009. The role of free-ranging, captive, and domestic birds of Western Poland in environmental contamination with Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and Giardia lamblia cysts. Parasitology Research 104: 1093-1096
- Czechowski P., Zduniak P. 2008. Untypical eggs of the Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica). Hirundo 21: 87-91
- Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2008. Age and sex determine the phenology and biometrics of migratory Common Quail (Coturnix coturnix) at Eilat, Israel. Ornis Fennica 85: 37-45
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2008. Variation in clutch size, egg size variability and reproductive output in the Desert Finch (Rhodospiza obsoleta). Journal of Arid Environments 72: 1631-1635
- Markovets M.L., Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2008. Differential sex- and age-related migration of Bluethroats Luscinia svecica at Eilat, Israel. Naturwissenschaften 95: 655-661
- Zduniak P., Kosicki J.Z., Gołdyn B. 2008. Un-paint it black: Avian prey as a component of the diet of nestling Hooded Crows Corvus cornix. Belgian Journal of Zoology 138: 85-89
- Zduniak P. 2006. The prey of hooded crow (Corvus cornix L.) in wetland: study of damaged egg shells of birds. Polish Journal of Ecology 54: 491-498
- Skoracka A., Kuczyński L., Gołdyn B., Jędrzejewski S., Zduniak P. 2006. Fauna and flora of the Kola Peninsula - relation from scientific expedition. W: Advances in Polish Acarology (G. Gabryś, S. Ignatowicz Eds), pp. 322-329, SGGW, Warszawa (460 pp)
- Pinowski J., Pinowska B., Barkowska M., Jerzak L., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P. 2006. Significance of the breeding season for autumnal nest-site selection by Tree Sparrows Passer montanus. Acta Ornithologica 41: 83-87
- Słodkowicz-Kowalska A., Graczyk T.K., Tamang L., Jedrzejewski S., Nowosad A., Zduniak P., Solarczyk P., Girouard A.S., Majewska A.C. 2006. Microsporidian species known to infect humans are present in aquatic birds: Implications for transmission via water? Applied and Environmental Microbiology 72: 4540-4544
- Zduniak P. 2005. Forced regurgitation with tartar emetic as an effective and safe method to study diet composition in hooded crow nestlings. European Journal of Wildlife Research 51: 122-125
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2005. Brood parasitism in Green-Backed Heron (Butorides striatus). Ostrich 26: 78-79
- Baraniak E., Walczak U., Zduniak P. 2005. Appearance and migration of the horse-chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella in relation to city size and leaf-raking, using the example of two cities in Western Poland. Journal of Pest Science 78: 145-149
- Czechowski P., Jerzak L., Zduniak P., Bocheński M. 2005. Is the communal roosting behaviour of the Magpie (Pica pica) wind dependent? An example from an isolated population in W Poland. Ardeola 52: 333-339
- Czechowski P., Zduniak P. 2005. Intraspecific brood parasitism in Barn Swallows Hirundo rustica nesting in bunkers. Acta Ornithologica 40: 162-164
- Zduniak P. 2005. Hooded Crow Corvus cornix in Poland - current knowledge and future research. In : Jerzak L., Kavanagh B.P., Tryjanowski P. (eds) Corvids of Poland, Bogucki Wyd. , Poznań. pp. 113-125
- Jędrzejewski Sz., Majewska A. C., Zduniak P., Solarczyk P., Graczyk T. K. 2005. Parasites of Polish corvids - knowledge and potential risk for human. In: Jerzak L., Kavanagh B.P., Tryjanowski P. (eds) Corvids of Poland, Bogucki Wyd. , Poznań, pp. 137-145
- Dolata P.T., Ekiert T, Antczak M., Rachel M., Zduniak P. 2005. Colour ringing of the Jackdaw Corvus monedula in Poland. In: Jerzak L., Kavanagh B.P., Tryjanowski P. (eds) Corvids of Poland, Bogucki Wyd. , Poznań, pp. 313-318
- Profus P., Tryjanowski P., Tworek S., Zduniak P. 2004. Egg size variation in the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Polish Journal of Ecology 52: 75-78
- Andrzejewska I., Tryjanowski P., Zduniak P., Dolata P. T., Ptaszyk J., Ćwierknia P. 2004. Toxpoplasma gonidii antibodies in the White Stork Ciconia ciconia. Berliner und Münchener Tierärztliche Wochenschrift 117: 274-275
- Andrzejewska I, Dolata P. T., Jerzak L., Ptaszyk J., Tryjanowski P., Zduniak P. 2004. Prevalence of agglutinating antibodies against Listeria monocytogenes in chicks of the white storks (Ciconia ciconia Linnaeus, 1758) in Poland. European Journal of Wildlife Research 50: 218-220
- Baraniak E., Walczak U., Tryjanowski P. Zduniak P. 2004. Effect of distance between host trees and leaf litter removal on population density of Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, 1986 (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae), the pest of chestnut (Aesculus sp.) trees. Polish Journal of Ecology 52: 537-542
- Zduniak P., Yosef R. 2004. Seasonal biometric differences between sex and age groups of the Graceful Warbler Prinia gracilis at Eilat, Israel. Acta Ornithologica 39: 169-175
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Tryjanowski P. 2004. Biometrics of Dead Sea Sparrow (Passer moabiticus) in relation to age and sex, season. Ardeola 51: 297-302
- Yosef R., Zduniak P., Markovets M., Yu. 2004. Changes in numbers and biometrics in relation to season in sedentary Yellow-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus xanthopygos) at Eilat: a ringing study. Biota 5: 67-75
- Yosef R., Zduniak P. 2004. Within-clutch variation in egg dimensions of Loggerhead Shrikes (Lanius ludovicianus) in south-central Florida. Biological Letters Poznań 41: 155-162
- Surmacki A., Stępniewski J., Zduniak P. 2003. Within-clutch repeatability of egg dimensions in the Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus. Acta Ornithologica 38: 123-127
- Zduniak P., Kuczyński L. 2003. Breeding biology of the Hooded Crow Corvus cornix in Warta river valley (W Poland). Acta Ornithologica 38: 143-150
- Zduniak P. 2003. Untypical boods of the Hooded Crow Corvus cornix in the Ujście Warty National Park. Notatki Ornitologiczne 44: 230-232 (in Polish with English summary)
- Zduniak P., Antczak M. 2003. Repeatability and within-clutch variation in egg dimensions in the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix population. Biological Letters Poznań 40: 37-42