Zbigniew Kwieciński
Main Interest
- interaction between molt vs. breeding of owls,
- avian incubation behaviour,
- nest light environment - relationship between nest concealment vs. predators risk.
- morphometry of the owl feathers
- exposure of nests in the microscale and behavior as determinants of the nesting success of birds living in an intense agricultural landscape
- 2017 - to date: Research Support Specialist of Department of Avian Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Biology, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland
- 2007 - 2015: Head of Department of Science in Zoological Garden in Poznan, Poland
- 1997- 2007 – Zookipper, Department of Owl and Bird of Prey, Zoological Garden in Poznan, Poland
- 2005 - 2010: Ph.D. student, A. Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland. D. thesis: Efficiency of digestion and food preference of White Stork in experimental conditions.
- 1997 - 2003: study, breeding biologist, Poznan University of Life Sciences. MSc thesis: Birds of Prey in the Sredźka Valley in Wielkopolka Region.
- Kwieciński Z. 2019. Piotr Tryjanowski, Wino i ptaki. Wydawnictwo Lanius, Poznań 2018. Kosmos 68(2): 5-6.
- Pawlak P., Kwieciński Z., Hušek J. 2019. Mobbing of the top predator: a correlation between avian community richness and the number of mobbing species. Journal of Ornithology 160(3): 10-17. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10336-019-01662-x.
- Morelli F., Kwieciński Z., Indykiewicz P., Jankowiak Ł., Szymański P. Šímová P., Tryjanowski P. 2019. Congruence between breeding and wintering biodiversity hotspots: A case study in farmlands of Western Poland. EJE 4:(2) 75-83.
- Kwieciński Z., Rosin Z.M., Jankowiak Ł., Sparkc H.T., Tryjanowski P. 2019. Thrush anvils are calcium source hotspots for many bird species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2019, 128, 603–610.
- Tryjanowski P., Morelli F., Kwieciński Z., Indykiewicz P., Møller A.P. 2018. Birds respond similarly to taxidermic models and live cuckoos Cuculus canorus. Journal of Ethology 36(3): 243-249.
- Rosin Z.M., Kwieciński Z., Lesicki A., Skórka P., Kobak J., Szymańska A., Osiejuk T.S., Kałuski T., Jaskulska M., Tryjanowski P. 2018. Shell colour, temperature, (micro) habitat structure and predator pressure affect the behaviour of Cepaea nemoralis. The Science of Nature 105(35): 1-10.
- Żurawlew P., Kwieciński Z., Gruss M., Jelonek K., Kostuj P. 2018. NOWE STWIERDZENIE PUSZCZYKA URALSKIEGO STRIX URALENSIS W WIELKOPOLSCE [New stands of ural owl Strix uralensis in Wielkopolska]. Przegląd Przyrodniczy XXIX-3: 107-112.
- Kwieciński Z., Rosin Z., Dylewski Ł., Skórka P. 2017. Sexual differences in food preferences in the white stork: an experimental study. The Science of Nature 104: 3-9.
- Rosin Z., Lesicki A., Kwieciński Z., Rosin Z., Skórka P., Tryjanowski P. 2017. Land snails benefit from human alterations in rural landscapes and habitats. Ecosphere 1:1-15.
- Myczko Ł., Sparks T.H., Skórka P., Rosin Z.M., Kwieciński Z., Górecki M.T., Tryjanowski P. 2017. Effects of local roads and car traffic on the occurrence pattern and foraging behaviour of bats. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 56: 222- 228.
- Møller P.A., Kwieciński Z., Tryjanowski P. 2017. Prey reduce risk-taking and abundance in the proximity of predators. Current Zoology 63(6): 591–598.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. Obituary. Mariam Cieślak, PhD (1950-2016). In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 7-8.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. Difficulties in finding feathers of the Eurasian Pygmy Owl G. passerinum during fieldwork. In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 195.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. Anatomical and morphological details of the head of the outstanding acoustic hunters. In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 196-197.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. Anatomical and morphological details of the head of the visual hunters. In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 198-199.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. Anatomical and morphological details of the head of generalists. In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 200-203.
- Kwieciński Z. 2017. The owl feathers morphometry. In: Cieślak M. Feathers of European owls. Insights into species ecology and identification. Editorial team into English version: Sterno A., Kwieciński Z., Grudzińska –Sterno M. Oriolus Publishing House. Uppsala, Sweden. Pp: 204-205.
- Kwieciński Z., Morelli F., Antczak M., Hromada M., Szymański P., Tobolka M., Jankowiak Ł., Tryjanowski P. 2016. Seasonal changes in avian communities living in an extensively used farmland of Western Poland. EJE 2(2): 9-18.
- Rosin M. Z., Skórka P., Pärt T., Żmihorski M., Ekner-Grzyb A., Kwieciński Z., Tryjanowski P. 2016. Villages and their old farmsteads are hot spots of bird diversity in agricultural landscapes. Journal of Applied Ecology 53(5): 1363-1372. doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12715.
- Skórka P., Sierpowska K., Haidt A., Myczko Ł., Ekner-Grzyb A., Rosin M. Z., Kwieciński Z., Suchodolska J., Takacs V., Wasilewski O., Graclik A., Krawczyk J. A., Szwajkowski P., Wylegała P., Malecha W. A., Mizera T., Tryjanowski P. 2016. Habitat preferences of two sparrow species are modified by abundances of other birds in an urban environment. Current Zoology 62: 357–368.
- Pawlak P., Kwieciński Z. 2015. Successful nesting of Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio near a military airport. Ornis Svecica 25: 65-66.
- Møller P.M., Tryjanowski P., Díaz M., Kwieciński Z., Indykiewicz P., Mitrus C., Goławski A., Polakowski M. 2015. Urban habitats and feeders both contribute to flight initiation distance reduction in birds. Behavioral Ecology 26(3): 861–865.
- Jankowiak Ł., Antczak M., Kwieciński Z., Szymański P., Tobółka M., Tryjanowski P. 2015. Diurnal raptor community winering in an extensively used farmland. Ornis Fennica 92: 76-86.
- Jackowiak H., Skieresz-Szewczyk K., Kwieciński Z., Godynicki S., Jackowiak K., Leszczyszyn A. 2015. Light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy studies on the reduction of the tongue microstructures in the white stork (Ciconia ciconia, Aves). Acta Zoologica 96: 436–441. doi: 10.1111/azo.12087.
- Kwieciński Z., Pawlak P., Przybylska P. 2014. Licking of pine sap by Greenfinches Carduelis chloris and Goldfinches Carduelis carduelis. International Studies in Sparrows 38: 17-19.
- Gawełek M., Dudek K., Ekner-Grzyb A., Kwieciński Z., Sliwowska H. J. 2014. Ecology of the field cricket (Gryllidae: Orthoptera) in farmland: the importance of livestock grazing. North-Western Journal of Zoology 10 (2): 325-332.
- Przybylska K., Haidt A., Myczko Ł., Ekner A., Rosin Z. M., Kwieciński Z., Tryjanowski P., Suchodolska J., Takacs V.,Jankowiak Ł., Tobółka M., Wasielewski O., Graclik A., Krawczyk A. J., Kasprzak A., Szwajkowski P., Wylegała P.,Malecha A. W., Mizera T., Skórka P. 2012. Local and landscape-level factors affecting the density and distribution of the Feral Pigeon Columba livia var. domestica in an urban environment. Acta Ornithologica 47: 37–45.
- Rosin M. Z., TakacsaV., Baldi A., Banaszak - Cibicka W., Dajdok Z., Dolata T. P., Kwieciński Z., Łangowska A., Moroń D., Skórka P., Tobółka M., Tryjanowski P., Wuczyński A. 2011. Koncepcja świadczeń ekosystemowych i jej znaczenie w ochronie przyrody krajobrazu rolniczego. Chrońmy Przyr. Ojcz. 67 (1): 3–20.
- Rosin M. Z., Kwieciński Z. 2011. Digestibility of prey by the White Stork (Ciconia ciconia) under experimental conditions. Ornis Fennica 88: 40-50.
- Jackowiak H., Skieresz-Szewczyk K., Kwieciński Z., Trzcielińska-Lorych J., Godynicki S. 2010. Functional Morphology of the Tongue in the Nutcracker (Nucifraga caryocatactes). Zoological Science 27: 589–594.
- Kwieciński Z., Krawczyk A., Ćwiertnia P. 2009. Wpływ temperatury otoczenia na wybrane elementy behawioru inkubacyjnego orła przedniego Aquila chrysaetos w warunkach wolierowych. Notatki Ornitologiczne 50: 1–8.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2009. Moult and breeding of captive Northern Hawk Owls Surnia ulula. In: Johnson D.H., Van Nieuwenhuyse D., Duncan J.R. (eds) Proc. Fourth World Owl Conf. Oct–Nov 2007, Groningen, The Netherlands. Ardea 97(4): 571–579.
- Kwieciński Z., Tryjanowski P. 2009. Differences Between Sexes in Digestive Efficiency of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia under Experimental Conditions. Folia Biologica (Kraków) 57: 3-4.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2009. Mocne i słabe strony badania pierzenia sów Strigiformes w niewoli. W Wiącek J., Polak M., Kucharczyk M., Grzywaczewski G., Jerzak L. (red.) Ptaki – Środowisko – Zagrożenia – Ochrona. Wybrane aspekty ekologii ptaków. LTO, Lublin. Pp: 91-104.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2007. Moult of Northern Hawk Owl Surnia ulula under conditions of captivity. Word Owl Conference. In: Johan De Jong., Bloem H., Duncan R.J., Johnson H.J., Leigh S.R., Van Nieuwenhuyse D., Van Den Burg B.A. (eds.). World Owl Conference. Groningen, Netherlands. Pp. 20-21.
- Kwieciński Z., Mizera T. 2006. Liczebność i efekty lęgów ptaków szponiastych Falconiformes Kotliny Śremskiej w latach 2001-2002. Not. Orn. 47:230-240.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2006. Pierzenie włochatek Aegolius funereus w poznańskim ogrodzie zoologicznym. Not. Orn. 47: 241-251.
- Kwieciński Z., Kwiecińska H., Botko P., Wysocki A., Jerzak L., Tryjanowski P. 2006. Plastic strings as the cause of leg bone degeneration in the White stork Ciconia ciconia. In: Tryjanowski, P., Sparks, T.H., Jerzak, L. (eds.). White Stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. Pp:423-429.
- Kwieciński Z., Kwiecińska H., Ratajszczak R., Ćwiertnia P., Tryjanowski P. 2006. Digestion efficiency of the White stork Ciconia ciconia under laboratory conditions.. In: Tryjanowski, P., Sparks, T.H., Jerzak, L. (eds.). White Stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. Pp:195-202.
- Kwieciński Z., Kwiecińska H., Ratajszczak R., Ćwiertnia P., Tryjanowski P. 2006. Food selectivity of the white stork Ciconia ciconia under captive conditions. In Tryjanowski, P., Sparks, T.H., Jerzak, L. (eds.). White Stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. Pp: 185-193.
- Ćwiertnia P., Kwieciński Z., Kwiecińska H., Wysocki A., Tryjanowski P., Ollsen O. 2006. Sexing of White stork Ciconia ciconia based on biometric characters. In: Tryjanowski, P., Sparks, T.H., Jerzak, L. (eds.). White Stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. Pp:423-429.
- Ćwiertnia P., Kwieciński Z., Tryjanowski P., Sparks T.H. 2006. Why are White Storks Ciconia ciconia delivered to captivity? A case study based on the experience of Polish zoos. In Tryjanowski, P., Sparks, T.H., Jerzak, L. (eds.). White Stork study in Poland: biology, ecology and conservation. Bogucki Wydawnictwo Naukowe, Poznań. Pp: 185-193.
- Ćwiertnia P., Wysocki A., Kamińska K., Kwieciński Z., Kwiecińska H. 2006. Sexing of eastern white pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) based on biometric measurements. In: Zgrabczynska E., Cwiertnia P., Ziomek J. (eds.). Animals, zoos and conservation. Zoological Garden in Poznan, Pp 84-89.
- Kwieciński Z., Ćwiertnia P., Kwiecińska H. 2006. The influence of the ambient temperature on the frequency of egg- turning in Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) at Poznan Zoo. In: Zgrabczyńska E., Ćwiertnia P., Ziomek J. (eds.). Animals, zoos and conservation, Zoological Garden in Poznan, pp 44-45.
- Ćwiertnia P., Kwieciński Z., Wysocki A., Kwiecińska H., Kamińska K. 2006. Growth and Development of Great White Pelicans at Poznan Zoo. In: Zgrabczyńska E., Ćwiertnia P., Ziomek J. (eds.). Animals, zoos and conservation, Zoological Garden in Poznan. Pp. 50-51.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2005. Pierzenie sów jarzębatych Surnia ulula w poznańskim ogrodzie zoologicznym. Not. Orn. 46: 143-157.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2005. Pręgi stresowe na lotkach sów jarzębatych Surnia ulula. Not. Orn. 46: 196-200.
- Kwieciński Z. 2005. Rehabilitation of bird of prey Falconiformes and owl Signiformes at Poznan zoo in the years 2000-2004. In: Ćwiertnia P., Zgrabczyńska E., Ziomek J., Ratajszczak R. (eds.). Animals and Zoos, Current Research Focus. Zoological Garden in Poznan. Pp 24-26.
- Ćwiertnia P., Ratajszczak R., Kwieciński Z. 2005. The Influence of the Hand Rearing on Breeding Parameters in African Hunting Dogs (Lycaon pictus) and Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus). In: Ćwiertnia P., Zgrabczyńska E., Ziomek J., Ratajszczak R. (eds.). Animals and Zoos, Current Research Focus. Zoological Garden in Poznan. Pp 16-17.
- Ćwiertnia P., Kwieciński Z. 2005. Is the weekly feeding schedule influencing copulation in Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) at Poznan zoo? In: Ćwiertnia P., Zgrabczyńska E., Ziomek J., Ratajszczak R. (eds.). Animals and Zoos, Current Research Focus. Zoological Garden in Poznan. Pp 47-48.
- Cieślak M., Kwieciński Z. 2004. Pióra sów Europy: ekologia i rozpoznawanie. Roztoczański PN. Tom IV/102: 292-299.
- Kwieciński Z. 2003. Ptaki drapieżne i sowy w ogrodzie zoologicznym w Poznaniu. „Kraska” Biuletyn Towarzystwa Przyrodniczego „Bocian” 10(2): 58-60.
- Kwieciński Z., Mizera T. 2001. Rehabilitacja ptaków drapieżnych i sów w Ogrodzie Zoologicznym w Poznaniu w latach 2000-2001. Biuletyn KOO. Nr.11: 26 –27.
- Ćwiertnia P., Kwieciński Z. 2000. Pelikan różowy (Pelecanus onocrotalus). Salamandra 2/2001, 15: 13-15.
In evolutionary struggles for survival, victims have developed many defense mechanisms against predators that reduce or eliminate the risk of death. Predators often reproduce in specific places for many years, causing permanent threat to local populations of victims. Thus, predators can affect their condition by forming costly defensive behaviors. One of the anti-predatory behaviors popular among birds, especially vulnerable to losses during the breeding period, is the construction of well-hidden nests. For example, in an intense agricultural landscape, the choice of nesting place for birds is of fundamental importance for their reproductive success, because the nests are exposed to changes in land use and changing weather conditions. The simplified spatial structure (open space, low forest cover) of the agricultural landscape favors more intense and easier penetration of the area by predators than in other habitats, for example in forests. One can suspect that in this structurally simplified landscape even small differences in the placement of nests and even within the same shrub or tree will determine the level of predation and thus the breeding success of birds.
Come many times in the publications, it was suggested that the good hiding of nests is directly related to breeding success, however it was not examined whether the spatial location of the nest on a very small scale, e.g. the location of the nest inside a tree or bush affects the chances of survival of eggs and chicks, and thus is it's potentially an anti-drift strategy.
In the project, I intend to investigate to what extent hiding a nest can affect the breeding success of birds, and what factors determine it. The object is three model species of birds: Turdus merula, Turdus philomelos and Lanius collurio. The first two species are more associated with typical forest habitats, but are quite widespread in the agricultural landscape. In addition, in the case of the scythe and singer, predation and anti-predatory mechanisms are poorly understood in open landscapes, which is probably related to the spatial dispersion of individuals in this environment. The research will be conducted in southern Wielkopolska, near Odolanów (floodplains of the Barycz Valley SPA, Natura 2000 area), where the abundance (density) of all these species is sufficient to carry out the scientific activities described below. Despite many assumptions and meta-analyzes made by ornithologists, there is still a lack of good experimental verification and hence the idea to verify two hypotheses explaining the problem of the location of bird nests. The first hypothesis assumes that bird nests better hidden within the bush / tree (as single and rope landscape elements) are characterized by better egg survival and nesting success from nests hidden worse. To this end, the geometrical parameters of the bush/tree structure will be determined, such as the distance from the base of the element (bush/tree), the distance between the nest and the top of the element. The next stage will be to characterize the "light environment of each nest" - execution of a set of light intensity measurements (luxometric measurements), inside and outside the bush / tree, in which the nest is oriented. The analysis of the collected geometric and luxometric data is to determine the level and differences in shade of nests with successful breeding and loss of breeding. Measurements of nests will be made at the moment of finding in the nest of eggs or chicks, finding a loss in breeding at the level of eggs or chicks and those where the chicks have left the nest successfully. The second hypothesis is that the direction from which the predator attacks the nest is related to the bird's behavior at the nest and its relative position inside the bush/tree, or more strictly with the entry of birds into the element in which the host nest is located. Birds during incubation of eggs or feeding of chicks use a diagram of the nest's arrival. The entrance to the nest (eg with food for chicks) is usually longer (measured from the edge of the element to the nest), while the exit (eg with the droppings of the hatchlings) is shorter (measured from the edge of the element to the nest). Widespread predator birds of passerines nesting in the agricultural landscape are corvidae, such as jay Garrulus glandarius, magpie Pica pica or crow gray Corvus cornix. As visually impaired, corvids, prior to attack on the nest, make a kind of study, observing the activity of a pair of birds in the vicinity of the nest. Therefore, the test of the hypothesis will be based on the registration of the event - whether predators use the same approach to the nest as the parental pair - or whether the attack and entrance to the element is accidental and independent of the location of the nest in the space of the bush / tree and the way of entry and exit of the owners slot. For this purpose, photo traps will be used to register the attack, installed inside the bottom of the element so as not to interfere with the natural breeding process of the studied birds.